Monday, March 25, 2013

Meal prep Monday

I usuually prep on sunday, but this weekend was crazy hectic.

This week is pretty similar to last, I am very basic which makes meal prep pretty easy.

Break fast:(meal 1)
1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup egg whites
snack:(meal 2)
half rice cake with almond butter (very little)
1 hard boild egg (i do not eat the yolk)
lunch(meal 3)
4 oz chicken breast
1/2 cup sweet potatoes
1/2 cup broccoli
snack :(meal 4)
protein shake
dinner(meal 5)
4 oz ground turkey with mushroom and onions
1/2 cup green beans

eating approximately every 3 hours keeps your metabloism up! Eating clean and consuming lots of water cuts fat, abs are made in the kitchen (:

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Duck Dynasty birthday cake

I was asked to make a duck dynasty birthday cake this weekend .... This is what I came up with, hope you enjoy (:

Saturday, March 23, 2013

My children's all time fav pancakes...protein pancakes!

1 banana
1/2 cup oat meal
1/2 cup egg whites
The kids get chocolate chips, I get protein powder, I blend it in a bullet and yummmm

Healthy, easy, and a favorite in my house (:

Friday, March 22, 2013

Tuppaware queen..... Or so my husbands co workers have name me..

I'm on a health kick... I have a goal in mind that im not ready to quite put in stone yet.  My body fat is higher than it should be, approximately 20%.  Im 5'1 and about 120 lbs.  Ideal would be 14% body fat, and 110-112 lbs.  HOWEVER, I have been trying to reach this goal for about 6 months and I continue to yoyo on my diet.  I tend to eat very clean for a week or so, then I can't resist a starbucks, or a cheeseburger, or the number one fail all for any diet, ALCOHOL.  My husband and I are social butterflys, we have a huge range of friends who we love to hang out with and throw a few back(or 10....ok 20 but whatever you get it!)
Plus I have two children, and I have been working my ass off to get to where Im at now physicaly and mentally (When I was prego with my son, my beginning weight was 103, when I delivered I wighed 164) yes I know, HOLY SHIT was my response to... with my first born I only gained 14 glorious beautiful pounds and after I delevered her, those lbs miraculously went to my ass and boobs where they belong and heaven only knows where my boobs went after I had my whatever here goes nothing!
This is my week, my mind is set! CLEAN healthy eats.  I am prepping my food for the week for both my husband and myself, packaged in tupaware (thus my new name) that way theres no excuse....

Week 1: meal plan
3 egg whirtes
1/2 cup of oats
alternate mushrooms or avocado
each day in my egg whites.
celery,plain rice cake,1 tsp almond butter
4 oz chicken breast (baked, sprinkled with
garlic and fresh squeezed lemon juice)
1/2 cup broccoli
1/2 cup carrots
after work out
protein shake
snack 2
10 almonds,1 banana
4 oz ground turkey
steamed asparagus
If i'm hungry before bed, Ill have a 1/2 cup of
yogurt or cottage cheese.

Evangeline the Princess....or so she thinks...

My daughter turned 5 on the tenth, yes 5!  Where has the time gone?  So cliche, I know.  But I swear the older she gets, the faster time goes.  When I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday, she insisted, in true Eva the diva fashion, that she would have a princess party.  Uh, ok!

My husband swears the party was more for me then her, whatever dude, any excuse to decorate the shit out of my house works for me, and with pink and sparkles?? Heck yes! 
Here are some pics, get ready  for overload.

Beauty station for the little princess'

Tiara making

photo booth

letting her nails dry

my neices and their friends offered to help doll up the girls


three of my amazing helpers


happy birthday beautiful

oh hiiii Grey

My amazing BEST friends

My shauna

Miss amy and I
Happy 5th birthday to my beautiful little girl,  I hope you enjoyed your very special day. Just like your name means, "Like an angel or precious gift"  that is exactly what you are to me.... muah!!

My first blog.... I'm nervous!

So I've decided to try out the blogging world, let's see how it goes 😀. First off, my name is Heather, proud wife, and mother of 2 beautiful children Eva(Evangeline) and Greyson. Eva recently turned 5, and Greyson recently turned 2. We live in a small town (linden,ca) love our happy little life, wouldn't change a thing ❤